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Adam Black

Adam Black Web Developer

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Alex Maple Web Developer

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Jonathan Tiney Web Developer

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Milan Lesichkov Web Developer

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Darren Charsley

Darren Charsley Designer

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Andy Thomas Product Owner

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Supervet to visit Newcastle Dog and Cat Shelter!

Supervet to visit Newcastle Dog and Cat Shelter!

Mansons Social Mansons 11th July 2017

A cat and dog shelter in Newcastle is set to play host to a special event featuring Channel 4 superstar ‘The Supervet’.

Newcastle Dog and Shelter is set to welcome the star - real name Noel Fitzpatrick - as he hosts a five-day adoptathon in the city.

‘Clear the Shelter’ is aimed at providing homes for every dog, cat, rabbit, and bird at the Tyneside Shelter – with the overall aim of encouraging people wanting a new pet to adopt rather than buy.

Over 250,000 pets are left to the care of rescue centres every year – a number Fitzpatrick hopes will seriously drop through the awareness raised by the event.

Professor Fitzpatrick told the Sunday Mirror: “Through raising awareness of the fun, love, and hope that rehoming an animal can bring, I think we speak a language of joy and compassion, and that this is a fantastic message to put out into the world right now.”

Leyla Rutter, Chief Executive at Newcastle Dog and Cat Shelter, believes the national attention the Shelter is set to receive next month is a ‘fantastic opportunity to showcase some of the amazing animals and to highlight the work that the shelter does on a daily basis.’

“Helping to raise awareness of issues facing Animal Welfare organisations across the country is vital if we are to stop some of the awful situations that animals find themselves in, and we will hopefully encourage people to visit rescue centres to adopt – not shop – when looking for new pets,” Leyla added.

Leyla is running her last ever Great North Run this September, and you can sponsor her at https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/leyla-jon-rutter, helping the Newcastle Cat and Dog Shelter provide further help and attention for the animals that need it most.

Let’s hope this brilliant initiative will provide lots of Newcastle-based animals with new homes!