About Property Logic

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Property Video Service

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A Guide to Buying

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Meet Our Team

Adam Black

Adam Black Web Developer

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Alex Maple

Alex Maple Web Developer

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Jonathan Tiney

Jonathan Tiney Web Developer

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Milan Lesichkov

Milan Lesichkov Web Developer

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Darren Charsley

Darren Charsley Designer

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Andy Thomas

Andy Thomas Product Owner

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Mansons Social Mansons Social 10th June 2018


Children. We absolutely love them and cherish them but they will take EVERY opportunity possible when it comes to destroying your home – and that can lead to some potentially serious situations. That coffee table you just HAD to buy suddenly becomes a danger hazard and those curtains you love? You just know they’re going to get dragged down at some point!

But there is good news – you can easily lower those odds by thoroughly child-proofing your home, and here we list three ways in which you can do so!


1)     Spotting trouble

Keep an eye out for anything pointy, slippery, or potentially dangerous. Any remote risks may need to be removed from the home (or at least covered up) until your child is a bit taller. For furniture with sharper edges, it would be wise to invest in some bumpers. They may not look great, but they’re worth it!


2)     Reduce hazards

Check around your home for loose cords or wires. Curtain pulls and electrical cords, in particular, can be a problem and should be tucked away or tied down securely. It’s imperative that all electrical outlets are covered up too to avoid any dangerous situations!


3)     Clean, clean and clean again

To maintain the safeness of your home, you would be wise to create and stick to a regular cleaning schedule! Check the floor often for anything that might have been dropped or items that may have slid under the furniture, because even the smallest of objects can represent a choking hazard to young children.



There you have it guys – our top tips for maintaining a child-friendly home through the summer and beyond! Of course, our expert team will be able to advise on all of the above (most of us are parents ourselves!). Simply give Mansons a call on 0191 219 2222 to find out how we can make your Mansons moment a reality this year!