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Alex Maple Web Developer

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Jonathan Tiney Web Developer

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Milan Lesichkov Web Developer

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Darren Charsley Designer

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Crackdown on alarms for landlords

Crackdown on alarms for landlords

Mansons Social Mansons 13th March 2015

In 2015 the installation of alarms (smoke and carbon monoxide) must feature in all rental properties after landlords have been told they must also include right-to-rent checks on their tenants.

Penny Mordaunt (Communities Minister) announced this change at the Local Government Association annual fire conference (10.3.15).

This change comes after years of support and campaigning from numerous sources including the Chief Fire Officers Association and the British Property Federation.

The BPF believe that including carbon monoxide as well as smoking alarms, will remove any confusion and will provide clarity to landlords.

Although this measure will not be necessary until October 2015, landlords and online casino their agents are advised that they ensure there are working alarms at the beginning of any tenancy.

Testing and maintaining the alarms, however, will be an obligation for the tenant, not the landlord.

This crackdown is mainly aimed at the small number of landlords who did not install alarms or bring them up to standard after it was estimated almost 20% did not bother.

For more information read more on Gov.UK: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/tenants-safer-under-new-government-measures